Balanced portfolios.
Long term investments create greater peace of mind now.
Risk is personal. Age is only one factor in developing a risk profile for clients and investment strategy. Together, we create an understanding of your preference for risk and willingness for it - to cultivate a ‘balance’ for your portfolio - or mix between growth assets, like stocks, and those anchored in more resilience, like green bonds. By sharing an understanding of this balance and coming back to center as it relates in your life to ask the question of whether to adjust that mix, your wealth journey is more peaceful.
Diversified Investments | Planning.
All clients integrate planning in some way. The outcome of a planning conversation is often awareness - of how much liquidity is needed to support income needs or when to begin income distributions. This awareness grows from our shared understanding of your current resources and expected need - as well as the amount and pace of how the portfolio is expected to shore up that difference. Wealth builders tend to have more capacity to take on risk than those spending down savings. Whatever the suitable mix between growth assets (global stocks and real estate) and those of relatively more resilience (like bonds issued by companies and governments and community development loans), I rarely prefer to be on the outer edge of the risk spectrum. On the bond side of things, Farm Girl Capital favors higher quality, diversified, and sustainable. Even for the most growth oriented clients, I recommend at least 20% of stable investments to both increase diversification and steady the journey. Patient capital is less liquid than publicly traded companies. These private opportunities may bear certain kinds of risk beyond the markets, like a lack of secondary market to sell them. Access to private opportunities can offer personal fulfillment that comes from more direct connection to impact opportunities and innovations that draw us closer toward a restorative economy. Placing patient capital within a diversified portfolio further diversifies the investor experience and expected long term outcome for all stakeholders - one that goes deeper within and far beyond the confines of the market universe - toward climate resiliency, local community development and personal wellbeing.