Helping others to cultivate restorative portfolios and plans grounded in their values.
ABOUT CLIENTS: Every wealth journey begins differently and sometimes quite suddenly.
Farm Girl Capital cultivates restorative portfolios for engaged and aware individuals, families, businesses, and organizations. Once we determine fit and scope of our collaboration, we gather documents and set a cadence of expected meetings to review finer details and get started. You control the pace on the shared journey.
Farm Girl Capital collaborates to develop awareness of where you’ve been and where you are heading in creating financial resiliency. We affirm or adjust an action plan toward outcomes that matter to you. Engaged investors tend to become more activated on the path to build financial wellness when they understand how investments align within their personal wealth journey and how investment choices impact the world and community around them.
The seeds of wellness live within our own circumstances and networks. The act of seeing and naming the points of wellness in your financial world, allows a level of knowing - an intimacy with ones own experience. We create space to anchor that awareness, shine a light on what is possible, and implement a plan that rings most true. I believe that personal, practical and progressive portfolio management supports wellbeing for all stakeholders, including earth. I invite you to join me on this journey.
The lived experience on the mother road of life is best travelled when informed, engaged, and held in community. I provide that service with joy and compassion.
Sarah Green, CFP®
Principal, Founder
I founded Farm Girl Capital to empower clients along their personal wealth journeys - help them clarify where they are and develop a plan of action to where they aim to be - while tipping the balance of power toward democracy and a resilient economy in a biodiverse world. As a believer in shareholder rights and member of the US Social Investment Forum, I advocate for practical policy that includes environmental, social and governance factors as material to the wellbeing of all Americans. I collaborate to be more connected with clients on their unique paths and expand socially responsible investment within the world through personal community connections. I love being a mom, saving seeds and sinking my hands in the soil. I live in Hercules, CA with my family, cats and compost worms.
Farming calls from my roots, and it also sequesters carbon. At a time when investable opportunities both exist and evolve in regenerative farming, protection of forests and support of labor, I am honored to offer investors access to investments that support life. This field of opportunity is a network that discourages pesticide use and improves soil health - builds green infrastructure and actively inspires accountability. Accountability supports women’s reproductive health as well as the safety and diversity of work places. Helping others invest toward a more restorative economy is a daily blessing. I offer deep gratitude to those who have gone before. Now is the time to invest in our soil to draw down emissions and regenerate communities, food security and the economy. I named Farm Girl Capital in honor of my family farming roots and to invite more of what I want to see - a more biodiverse and inclusive world inspired through investments.
- Sarah
Shine a light on what is possible.
Get in touch to start a conversation.